Video: It’s like Candy for your Eyeballs
Drone Program
This video piece promoting Carroll Community College's Drone program was a culmination of many aspects of my professional and creative life. That's a fancy way of saying I worked there and made a lot of videos but I am also a drone pilot and I got to do lots of drone stuff for this.
Be the Change
When Carroll Community College launched their "Be the Change" campaign, I shot this commercial video. I also edited it and handled all of the keying/compositing.
Miller: Services for Entrepreneurs
This is yet another video I shot and edited for Carroll Community College.
Invincible Summer
I shot and edited this promotional short documentary for a concert series. It feels like this was made fifty years ago. I would do so many things differently now, but there's a level of storytelling happening in this video that I have not often been able to engage with in my work.
Manufacturing Misconceptions
I edited this promotional video for Carroll Community College. There are a few interview clips I shot, but mostly this was stock footage edited together. I also handled all of the graphics.
Personal Enrichment
I edited this promotional video for Carroll Community College, created entirely with stock video clips. I also handled all of the graphics.
I edited this promotional video for Carroll Community College. I also handled all of the graphics.